I know I should sell the LX and MZ5n, but just can't bring myself to do it.
I recently shot a couple of rolls of HP5 in the MX with the 50/1.2 and the
results reminded me of why I enjoy B&W portraiture so much. The *ist-D is
the default choice for colour. I don't expect I'll ever buy another 35mm
camera, but assume that eventually the *ist D will be replaced with another

I'm still shooting MF and LF, but don't expect to be buying that much more
gear there. Providing I stick with B&W I expect that there will always be
something available for 120 and 4x5 that will suit me. I wouldn't want to
bet on things like tungsten balanced colour film lasting forever but I think
the B&W film niche will remain profitable enough for at least one company to
continue manufacturing it. 

I expect that the next decade will see film move from being a recording
medium to an artistic choice and from that point the sales will stabilize
and the prices will jump.


Paul Ewins
Melbourne, Australia

-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Studdert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

So who here has shed their excess film bodies in view of the pending fate of


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