I have a roll of Kodachrome in my PZ-1 that has not been used since I bought my *istD 9 months ago. And my ME has a half finished Tri-x in it that has also been abandoned. My ME-Super is empty. My daughters are the only ones using film right now, one with a PZ-20 with chrome and the other with color negatives on a P30t. I keep wanting to pick up the PZ0-1 to finish the chrome, since I have another 20 or so rolls in the freezer, but I grab the *istd instead. I hope Kodak doesnt abandon chrome processing before I run through the rest of the film, but at the rate I'm going, its sure to happen.


graywolf wrote:

With all due respect, Bill, you are in the mass consumer film market. I don't believe anyone thinks that that is a viable business, long term.

However, most of us who are arguing the other side of this are not mass consumers, we are decicated serious photographers. You never see our serious work in your lab. Never have, never will. We are not your customers, never have been (except for our snapshots, where we too are mass consumers). We are not abandoning film at the rates you are seeing in the mass consumer market. Mass consumers are fickle, always have been, always will be. A cheaper, better, or more popular product comes along and you, sir, are out of business. Even from my point of view a $100 digital works better for snapshots than a $100 point&shoot camera.

Consider this, when the Simon brothers started making Omega elargers their production was 10 units a month. Now no MBA us going to have anything to do with something like that unless they figure they can sell them for 1000% profit. Hell, they have to make at least enough to pay their own 6 figure salary. All major corporations today are run by MBA's. But there are still folks like Rutan out there in the world, to whom the adventure is more important than the money (See, those Space Ship One threads were on topic).

Here is a bit of a poll: How many of the folks on this list who have been into photography as a serious hobby for 5-10 or more years, and for whom it still is a serious hobby have 100% abandoned film?

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