The super program does this, too.

Yes, it does -- I was surprised when I took photos at a coworker's wedding recently. There was a really nice sunset visible from the deck. I tried using TTL as fill flash while properly exposing the background, but the flash wouldn't go off (Super Program, SMC-M 85mm f/2, Pentax AF200T flash):

So I switched to auto flash, which meant I needed to select a shutter speed that would work best with f/5.6 and to get closer to the balance I wanted:

Still not perfect, though this could be better tweaked in Photoshop (the print looks a bit better than this).

How do you override the decision with the compensation dial? I assume by dialing in overexposure, but wouldn't that risk overexposing the flash portion of the shot?


William Robb wrote:
One of the LX wonks that I don't like is it's refusal to fire a flash
at all if it decides that there is enough ambient light to take the
picture without flash.


Joe Wilensky
Staff Writer
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