I bought the 43mm Ltd demo from Adorama, and as expected, it is gorgeous. But I'm afraid I haven't taken anything serious with it yet. Some time soon I suppose. Oh...Graces in Kings Cross sell silver mount UV filters. Obscure name (Stein Optik???), but at $10 each, how can you go wrong.

Dropped in to the Sydney Camera Fair this morning. Lots of junk. In the end, I got turned off by the usual trainspotters and retentives there. Guy with a Leica stand was loudly telling everyone "you can't touch these unless you are going to buy" - yeah right, I'd drop $2000 on something I didn't know worked or not - the snob said most people haven't held a Leica in their life, and he wasn't about to be a charity. Not that I was interested.

No digital. Not that much medium format either, which was surprising.

Not much Pentax stuff, though there were a couple of pretty Spotmatic F's and one ME-F (no autofocus lens though) I was considering getting, except Rob's voice kept saying to me - would I really want film gear now? Probably not. Someone was trying to sell an MZ-6 for $550 - isn't that practically new price?

Disheartened, I came home with a bunch of tulips and took some macro shots with the FA100. Hope they turn out erotic.

Have to go to the World Press Photo next week - last week. And the weather better fine up soon so I can use the 43 properly.



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