On 25 Jul 2004 at 21:28, Derby Chang wrote:

> I bought the 43mm Ltd demo from Adorama, and as expected, it is 
> gorgeous. But I'm afraid I haven't taken anything serious with it yet. 
> Some time soon I suppose. Oh...Graces in Kings Cross sell silver mount 
> UV filters. Obscure name (Stein Optik???), but at $10 each, how can you 
> go wrong.

I'm keen to hear how the 43 shapes up for you especially since you should have 
a decent feel for the 77 now. Any standard filter will likely negate one of the 
43mm lenses prime attributes, that is lack of flare. So do some experiments and 
see if it's really worth subjecting your lens to.

> Dropped in to the Sydney Camera Fair this morning. Lots of junk. In the 
> end, I got turned off by the usual trainspotters and retentives there. 
> Guy with a Leica stand was loudly telling everyone "you can't touch 
> these unless you are going to buy" - yeah right, I'd drop $2000 on 
> something I didn't know worked or not - the snob said most people 
> haven't held a Leica in their life, and he wasn't about to be a charity. 
> Not that I was interested.

That's disappointing, unfortunately there are some prime a**holes there amongst 
the finer folk. I haven't been for quite a while (last time I spent money I 
shouldn't have). If we meet up at some stage I'll bring my Leica and I promise 
you won't need to lay any cash down to have a fondle of it. :-)

> No digital. Not that much medium format either, which was surprising.

There rarely is MF gear there and most of the dealers there are still scared of 

> Not much Pentax stuff, though there were a couple of pretty Spotmatic 
> F's and one ME-F (no autofocus lens though) I was considering getting, 
> except Rob's voice kept saying to me - would I really want film gear 
> now? Probably not. Someone was trying to sell an MZ-6 for $550 - isn't 
> that practically new price?

That's a bit high alright an MZ-5 located in Sydney closed on eBay Oz today for 
the equivalent of AU$81

> Have to go to the World Press Photo next week - last week.  And the 
> weather better fine up soon so I can use the 43 properly.

Forecasts don't look good for fine weather until later this week, sorry.


Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

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