I do not believe anybody here
has so much analyst background to prognose accurately which technology
will prevail in the future. And that's because that's not a technical
decision but a whole different matter. Like VHS/Beta and others. With
complex technologies and big corporations, everything can change.

I do not think battery power makes the big difference now, the new
nikons can rung a long time on one battery, I think it's about the
same like yours D60, Cotty. At least these I shot with were.

Personally, I don't care whether it's CMOS/CCD/LBCAST/ETC... but how
it shoots nad how it controls. I am not a prognosist, and frankly, I
totally don't care. If I were debating whatever is a little bit
better, I wouldn't shoot any pictures :-) I just shot some great shots
with Leica and its super-sharp lens on 10 years old HP5+, which
indeed is bit fogged. Did I mind :) ?


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