You could not go far wrong with an M28/3.5 and an M135/3.5 as a starter outfit. Cheap, excellent optics.

The 135 is really only excellent as a portrait lens for tight head shots, but then 1/2 length or more works will with your 50mm, thus only compromising on head and shoulder shots. The 28mm is a compromise between a 24 and a 35mm, meaning you can mostly use it where you would use either of them. Anyway millions of photographers have done excellent work with just those three lenses in their kits.

Another posiblity to consider is to just work with that 50mm lens for awhile. There is a lot to learn, and limiting yourself until you have gotten most of it down pat is helpful. The late Henry Carter Bresson who has been the subject of several posts recently used just a 50mm most of the time (Whatever, I think of the hype surrounding him, his work certainly stands on its own).


Paul McEvoy wrote:

Hello there,

I'm new here and was hoping you might be able to answer a couple of questions. I'm travelling for a few months and hoping to take a lot of pictures. And hopefully good pictures. I was originally planning on buying a Nikon Digital SLR but after reading around for a while I decided I might learn a lot more from using film. I just bought a K 1000 off ebay with the 50/1:2 lens. I'm interested in getting some more lenses to round things out.

It needs to be said that I have almost no idea what I'm doing, frankly. But I am a writer and think that it would serve me well to be a competent photographer too. I'm leaving pretty soon for this trip (cross the US and Canada by very small car), so I'm trying to get some good equipment now and make some mistakes along the way with it.

I'm looking for a wide angle lens and a portrait lens. I read that I should be looking for a 100mm prime lens for the portrait lens, but I can't seem to find much on ebay. Actually none, except for some screw mounts. There are a lot of 135mm lenses. Would the do similar things?

As far as the wide angle goes is it worth trying to hunt down a 24mm or is 28mm just as good?

And is the Pentax k mount 80-200mm zoom a good lens?

My apologies if these are questions you've all heard a thousand times. I appreciate any help you can give me.


-- graywolf

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