Found a nice A 35-105/3.5 the other day.

Just got this 135, 19 minutes after it listed:
(No, I won't say the price this time, but it was better than KEH):)
Thanks for all your help deciding which one was the best "bang for the

All I'm after now is the K 35/3.5 and I take a bit of time off, pack the
Blazer, the Bassett Hound, and the backpack, and go see what I can do with
Hopefully I'll be able to put put all I've learned here to good use and get
some decent shots  to show all of you.

I've recently been accused of:
"seeking the opinion of others in order to validate your own experience".
<end quote>

However I think you've all very gently got the point across that I was being
rather stupid for expecting great results from a proven "less than great"
lens. I'm glad I asked.
I've learned that I have a natural talent for being stupid, but that this
can be avoided by asking, and listening to, others with more experience than
Gee, maybe that's what "growing up" means?
Long as I never lose touch with my "inner child(ish)". ;-)


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