----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Anders Hultman"
Subject: RE: 50 or 100 mm

> I'm not sure that I follow you here. How will it affect the picture
> if I use the 50mm or the 100mm lens? Will I get the same thing but
> from different distances?

It will affect you the same way changing focal length with any scene
type affects you.

> So, my question really is which of the two new Pentax macro lenses
> should get if I wanted the largest possible magnification. They're
> both 1:1 but is it "the same 1:1" so to speak? I'm only used to
> the bellows, and with that it really is a difference between a 50mm
> lens and a longer one.

1:1 is what either lens will give you unaided. Toss a bellows on as
well, and the 50mm will give more magnification, although working
distances can become short enough as to make lighting difficult.

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