> http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=2598758

I like the idea... but only wished that the bike stood out more. As it
stands, all of the lines in the photo converge to the upper right corner,
and so they all lead my eye exactly there... and there's nothing there but
a tall white building that is not of much interest <shrug>

What I tried to do, however, was manipulate the photo a bit and desaturate
(i.e., ~almost~ grayscale) everything except the bike and the blue sky. It
wasn't until then that I noticed that besides those two items, the photo
is dorn near B&W already... so the manipulatin didn't seem as contrived as
it may sound. In any event, I kinda liked the effect... but then ymmv.

Anyhow, I also browsed thru the rest of your PESO / PAW photos in the
gallery, thought that they were all very worthwhile, with a few (more than
1/2) being quite fantastic and awe-inspiring [the bee photo, boat photo,
heater, and "seated" photos come to mind]. Thanks for sharing. Best
         - jerome

Jerome D. Coombs-Reyes, Ph.D.
Norfolk State University, Math Dept.

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