Dag -

Interesting.  I could have written this! (though
my prose style is a bit different and
I don't use Provia.)

THough actually I use flash occasionally now - out
of necessity only.


> > fra: "CRB" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > I put these together because they're things I've either struggled to learn in the 
> > past or am still learning.  (I often struggle most with #4.)
> >
> > 1.  Do you shoot snapshots quickly or do you plan ahead?
> Depends on the subject.  Still lifes and portraits are planned, while most other 
> photos are photographed as seen.
> > 2.  Do you pose people or just have them bunch together?
> I try to avoid such photos, but would have tried to pose them (and end up with 
> something else).
> > 3.  Do you use controlled lighting?
> Seldom, but I try to control the available light.  I never use a flash because it is 
> too difficult to control.
> > 4.  Do you look at the whole frame in the finder, or just what is in the center?
> Always, all of it.  I look at the findet, not at the subject, as the finder shows 
> the picture you are making while the subject is only your aid to achieve the image.
> > 5.  Do you ever use a tripod, monopod, or other support?
> Almost never.
> > 6.  How long is it from the time you lift the camera to your eye until you snap 
> > the photo?
> Anything from millisecunds and up.
> > 7.  Do you shoot for pictures to keep or just because something looks nice at the 
> > moment?
> Neither, I photograph whatever catches my interest.  It may be pretty, weird, 
> ordinary or just some sense of the moment, but hopefully never just "Nice". It is 
> almost like a diary, but it doesn't show what I have done, only what I was 
> interested in.
> > 8.  Do you choose film based on the subject being photographed?
>  I did, but usually ended up with Provia 100F.
> > 9.  Do you evaluate the character of your photographs?
> Yes, often aided by other peoples comments (even when I don't agree with them).
> DagT  (not sure if it was very helpful :-)

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