On Fri, 20 Aug 2004 17:24:07 -0000 (GMT), [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>If I get the clear filter instead of UV, what will I be missing? Will my 
>outdoor shots be any less sharp?

As others have mentioned any extra glass lessens the sharpness of the
final image.  But the added protection of a "clear lens cap" means that
I'll take my camera out at times when I might otherwise not - eg. windy
day on the beach with salt spray and sand blowing about.

It's easy to unscrew my clear lens cap for optimum quality, but
difficult to put it on in a situation where I want to use it.  As a
result all my lenses have UV filters. If they are selling the clear
protection filters as multicoated then they must be.  Contax would not
falsely advertise that badly these days.



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