On 25 Aug 2004 at 8:34, Bruce Dayton wrote:

> One thing to remember, is that almost all those who like digital used
> to shoot film.  It's not as if they have no clue what shooting film is
> like.  They have tried both and found digital to be more preferable
> (not without issues, but film has issues too). 

I've refrained from responding to this thread until now but I think you've hit 
the nail on the head. It seems most of the digital is crap and is killing film 
rhetoric is coming from people who haven't yet benefited from owning a DSLR.

I still like film, I like the quality it can provide and I like the concept, I 
still shoot it in my MF bodies when I think the subject won't be captured as 
well using my DSLR. What I hate about film (colour specifically) is all that 
comes processing and handling wise after the shutter has opened and closed.

It's near impossible here to find a lab (top end pro or otherwise) that won't 
stuff up some aspect of the post image capture processing. They cut film when 
they've been asked not to, they crop 35mm prints to fit 5x7 paper, then there 
are the accidents which I won't mention because I'll get too depressed.

All this has finished for me since I've been predominantly shooting digital, I 
really don't care if they lose or damage my CD, I'll just burn another and 
won't pay them for crap jobs unlike the old days where they could hold film 
hostage until payment.

Its also prompted me to finally upgrade my computers, network and server (which 
was about seven years old). So now I've got a system which I (and others) can 
use for far more than simply photographic editing. I'm quite happy, now if only 
Pentax could deliver a really nice DSLR which will make me feel far less likely 
to feel the need to shoot film I'll be really happy.

Bottom line, it ain't the process for me it's the final image that counts and 
the digital process gives me more ease, control and security along the way.


Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

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