I still use a Gossen Luna Pro F when I'm shooting one of my vintage cameras.
almost always when incident light reading is concerned. And on the rare
occasions I'm asked to shoot an important "studio" type flash shot
(especially when using the pentax 6x7) I definitely use the flash meter
function of it. That leaf shutter lens is awesome. But I've probably only
used it in that fashion 4 or 5 times.

Though I'm no professional, and I don't have experience with other pro level
meters, I consider the Luna Pro F one of the finest meters around. I also
have many of the considerable list of accessories, like the 7.5/15 degree
"spot" attachment, the enlarging/darkroom attachment, and the "never been
used" flexible light reading attachment thingy.

I also have a zone VI modified pentax spot meter, though it has a digital
readout. I use it for sure when I'm shooting black and white with the 6x7.

Then there's also a GE vintage light meter (probably circa 1940s) that gives
light readout that in scale that I use for measuring light output in my
Metal Halide/ High Pressure Sodium illuminated Orchid and Bromeliad
Greenhouse. It still works fine. Got it on ebay for a dollar.

Sid B

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