Zitat von Dan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Quoting "keller.schaefer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > I have always argued the *practicality* of any 100% viewfinder. A 95%
> finder
> > already shows *almost all* of the image: 95% of 24x36 is 23.4x35.1
> > mm (for APS-C it is 23.5x15.7 vs. 22.9x15.3). No matter what application
> you
> > are
> > thinking of for either a negative or a slide, you will have a hard time
> > actually *using* more than 95% of it. A slide frame will cut away about 7%
> > and
> > any lab (including home printing) will probably cut away more. In that
> sense
> > it
> > is *correct* to show 95% as it gives you a better indication of what you
> will
> > eventually get than 100%.
> Most people won't be wanting negatives or slides though.  And home printing
> should still get all of the frame: I don't think any inkjets crop the
> picture.
> For on screen display too you will not lose anything so to me a non-100%
> viewfinder on DSLRs does not make sense.

Yes, I realise I was thinking of conventional printing on (light sensitive)
paper rather than inkjet printing. But then again, once you send your digital
files to a lab to 'print', they will crop.


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