Peter J. Alling wrote:

It's quite possible that she was selling not quite legal products, pirate software or recorded materials, maybe knock offs of famous designers products including trademarks, and she though you were collecting evidence for legal action. I've had that happen I've had that happen to me and the vendor seems to think that the best defense is a good offense. They usually shut up when I invite them to call the police.

I predict the EU, as an entity, will not last.
Imagine combining all the Canadian provinces and calling them Quebec! It is to laugh!!
If that's literally ALL you did, whoever managed to do that would have his head handed to him, like John the Baptist!

The E.U. is a forced (yes, it really is!) consolidation of vastly dissimilar peoples, and those very different attitudes will eventually rust out the bottom of the entire melting pot...
You're trying to put folks together who have histories going back a thousand years! People whose memories are incredibly long, and a large number of which absolutely cannot and _will_ not forget a slight (a national disrespect) , let alone actual wars and such.

And, they're expected to work together toward a common goal?

The U.S. is only 200 and some years old.
Our various states had little (by any comparison) to unlearn or forget.
Some warring factions in the Middle East have hurts, real or imagined, that go back nearly 4 thousand years!
And STILL they remember (or say they remember) them, all this time since... Amazing, isn't it.
And this "union" is expected to last?

In my most humble opinion, no bloody way!

keith whaley
U.S. of A.

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