On Thu, 14 Oct 2004 09:55:40 -0400, Collin Brendemuehl
> Just curious.
> Some people name their cars.
> (But I'm not going to take this any further.)


Funny, but I've never named my cars (back when I used to own those
things) or my bikes, either.  Just never have.  I've only owned one
bike or car at a time, so there's never been any need.  My kids have
often named cars of mine - real inventive ones like a black Ford
Taurus named "Blackie" (hey, she was 3 at the time - my daughter that

As far as my cameras go, I've no doubles, so I can refer to them as
the make and model number - the closest I have to a problem is two
Spotmatic SP's, but one's black and not working, so no problem there. 
And, I've got an SP 500, but that's not an SP, so that's that.

I guess I have neither an imagination nor a sense of humour.  Mind
you, when I hear what some people call their kids, cars, pets and
other paraphenalia, neither to they...  <vbg>


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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