OK, here are my commants for the may PUG, wich was again a remarkable 
collection of images ...

Paul Stenquist, " April Morning "

Well, this is my kind of picture! 
I like the way you can see the sun almost shining through the delicate leaves of the 
Also, the thin green gras make a nice contrast to the yellow.
The sharpness is fine for most of the flowers, and fades away to the background,  nice 
One thing I find distracting in this image in the longer term is the unsharp flower in
the lower left corner. It draws my attention too much. I would prefer to have some 
more DOF
to have this flower sharp, or maybe to move the frame up a bit to get it out of the 
I guess an unsharp flower in the background would be less distracting.

Bill Casselberry, " Hummer "

Another nature picture, now including a hard to catch bird too.
It must be quite difficult to get enough DOF to get the flowers sharp, and still
use a fast enough shutter-time to freeze the birds motion ...
I like the overall picture, but there are two things that could have been better I 
1) There is no real "main subject" I think, the hummer is a bit too small so it doesn't
catch attention right away. (also the wings are almost invisible at this point)
It would take a lot of patience and shots (and getting closer ?) to correct this 
so I realize that was probably not an option at the time ...
2) The big light triangle at the upper right corner is distracting.
That probably would have been solved by a small change in camara position ...
I DO realize it is very hard to notice those little distracting thing on the edges 
you are litteraly focusing on a fast mover like the hummer.
You could make it less distracting by cropping the top off a bit as well I guess.
Still, a good shot!

Gene Kane, " Tree "

I nice peacefull image, it probably looks even more impressive in larger format!
Some parts of the tree seem to be pure silhouettes while most parts show a
lot of detail and grades of gray. I am wondering if that comes from the scanning?
The lower left area in the image doesn't add to the overall image, it is 'just a bush'
with a lot of detail that takes away attention from the tree ...
Another thing that probably comes from scanning is the border arround the picture
as it now shows on the PUG pages, there is both an unevenly sized small black
border and a wider white border. I don't like the combined effect of those.
Again, that is probably not in your print at all ...

Rob Studdert, " Acoustics "

An unusual place for photography I guess! 
But a very nice image capturing the "mood" amongst this group.
Must have been difficult shooting under those conditions.
Given the few sources of light available, the scene is remarkably well lit with
most persons in group recognizable.
Maybe I would crop a little from the left of the image, there is really nothing there. 
I am not sure the more square format would be still pleasing though ...
Nice shot!

Regards, JvW
Jan van Wijk;   www.fsys.demon.nl

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