Because the minimum wage game is only a union pacifier.
They index union wages off the minimum wage rate.
It buys votes.  And causes enough inflation that the person
thinking that it's a base living wage are simply tricked
and taken advantage of.

Personally, I'm glad someone with a lot of money decided to start a business and hire 
me.  That way I don't have to raise turnips & potatos to subsist.  Taking their money 
away will take away my job.  Then we can all be poor together.  Now isn't that 

"Which "Republicans (the 'compassionate conservatives') will tell you that it's 
because they're all just lazy."?  None.


C. Brendemuehl
'Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that 
it bears a very close resemblance to the first.'   Ronald Reagan 

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Graywolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:  Tue, 19 Oct 2004 13:11:30 -0400

>Yes, and the way to solve the problem is to cut taxes for the highest income 
>group and lower the minimum wage to $2/hour. If they have their way I will 
>become a Jeffersonian.
>Fred wrote:
>>>1/4 to 1/3 of american workers have no paid vacation at all. The
>>>also have no medical benefits. The median income is about $26K.
>>>Many of that 1/2 the population that makes under $26K actually
>>>work two full time jobs. The working poor here is something all
>>>americans should be ashamed about. The worst of all are the
>>>working single mothers 80+% of whom are making less than median
>> But the Republicans (the "compassionate conservatives") will tell
>> you that it's because they're all just lazy.
>> Fred

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