----- Original Message ----- From: "Peter J. Alling"
Subject: Re: New Toy: Bulk Film Loader

I lost a comma in there, oh well. Seriously I used to bulk load TXP, HP5 and Pan-X. I stopped after I realized that no matter what I did I always managed to have enough static electricity build up on the film to cause low density parts of the image look like I'd been taking pictures in a lightning storm. Had a lot of available darkness shots that were unusable because of it. (I even went so far as to find a film loader made of bakalite, for it's supposedly superior static resistance, no joy). You may have better results but the technology isn't likely to have improved much if at all in the past 20 years.

Just so we don't scare the poor boy too much, my experience with bulk loading has been pretty good. I haven't had any of the static problems Peter has had, except when it is very cold and dry outside.
I've used both the Lloyds (It's one I like though others on the list have expressed disdain for it, and it's bakelite) and the Watson, which is styrene and has a nicer feature set, and more accurate frame counting.

William Robb

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