The lens has a nice, soft quality about it.  I like that, and the bokeh in
this pic looks pretty decent as well.


> [Original Message]
> From: Paul Stenquist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Decided to spend a few minutes trying out the FA 80-320/4.5-5.6 that I 
> bought this week. I know it's not highly rated -- it's obviously a 
> consumer zoom -- but I'm rather pleased with it. I shot people walking 
> down the street with the camera set to continuous autofocus. This young 
> lady was probably the most photogenic.  This shot is at 320mm, f6.7 @ 
> 1/500, ISO 400. I'm beginning to really like autofocus zooms for 
> informal, just for fun shoots. Until this year, I had never really shot 
> with a zoom and had never owned an autofocus camera. There's something 
> to be said for sloth <g>..
> Paul

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