Thanks Frank. There's nothing like a long lens nearly wide open to ensure good bokeh. Hard to miss with that kind of combination.
On Oct 24, 2004, at 12:54 PM, frank theriault wrote:

On Sat, 23 Oct 2004 15:59:12 -0400, Paul Stenquist
Decided to spend a few minutes trying out the FA 80-320/4.5-5.6 that I
bought this week. I know it's not highly rated -- it's obviously a
consumer zoom -- but I'm rather pleased with it. I shot people walking
down the street with the camera set to continuous autofocus. This young
lady was probably the most photogenic. This shot is at 320mm, f6.7 @
1/500, ISO 400. I'm beginning to really like autofocus zooms for
informal, just for fun shoots. Until this year, I had never really shot
with a zoom and had never owned an autofocus camera. There's something
to be said for sloth <g>..

1) Shel's right: nice bokeh, 2) That's a nice relaxed, natural look on her face (in part due to the fact she probably had no idea she was being photographed <g>), 3) I don't know if it's the wind, or that she did that "head flip" thing that women with that type of hair seem so adept at, or maybe a bit of both, but to me, the hair makes the photo, 4) You're right, she ~is~ very pretty - that helps the photo a lot, too... <vbg>

Nice one, Paul,

-- "Sharpness is a bourgeois concept." -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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