Why would you record the exposure and lighting info?  To learn
from and grow one's own experience, of course!  Isn't this
how one learns photography in the first place?  There's the
side benefit that such info lends others a learning opportunity
when the pics are published, such as in PUG.

Besides, it's fun to study how a pic is taken and all the
photographic consideration that went into it.

Such useful info as exposure, lighting, lens and film.  What
camera is used is perhaps least useful.  I see a camera basically
as a metering device.  Everything else is about the same
across all cameras and requires hardly any deliberation:
holds film, gives shutter speeds 1-1000 and a viewfinder.

Tonghang Zhou (Zhou is pronounced like Joe)

On Thu, 3 May 2001, Buford Terrell wrote:

> Why would you record the exposure details?  The same
> lighting and composition configuration will never occur
> again.  Even for zone system, I don't record more than
> the +/- needed for development.
> (Unless of course I'm shooting a particular kind of
> test or experiment)
> At 08:39 AM 05/03/2001 -0400, you wrote:
> >> > Where the exposure details aren't recorded, my guess is that
> >> > the person submitting doesn't know, or never knew. :-)
> >
> >That person is desperately in need of either a 645n or an MZ-S.

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