Shel Belinkoff wrote on 26.10.04 13:37:

> Laughing at you?  Nope, just smiling because you got hold of a neat,
> classic camera.  Remember, some of my "daily shooters" are even older than
> the KX by quite a margin.
<<relief>> ;-)

> I never had a K camera, but recently got to test and use a few that were
> donated to the 6th Street Photo Workshop, where I volunteer and teach a
> basic photo class.  I was impressed by these swell cameras, and decided
> that I want to get one for myself, and at some point down the line am
> looking to have my very own KX or KM
Exactly that's what I felt when I held KX for the first time :-)

> And, the person most responsible for this infatuation is .... Keith Whaley.
> Keith donated a K1000 and a KM, and I ran a roll of film thru each, which
> got me hooked.  Using the KM was especially sweet - loved the DOF preview -
> with an old K55/1.8 lens I found in the back of my closet.  That lens has a
> particularly nice character, not overly sharp or contrasty, but able to
> resolve a good amount of detail.  The K bodies and some of the K lenses
> make a wonderful combination, so much so that I just grabbed a nice looking
> K50/1.4 off eBay (I've always wanted that lens but missed a few
> opportunities) to supplement the 1.8
K50/1.4 would be nice... But what do you think about K50/1.2??? I suspect it
is quite soft wide open, but I wouldn't care if I'd have more opportunities
to take unblurred photos at dark places ;-)

> And I don't need no steenkin' batteries, either ;-))
Yup, that was important reason for me to buy KX ;-)

Best Regards

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