aimcompute writes:

> I don't mean to speak for Bob here, but you're clearly responding with a
> gross exaggeration that distorts his point.

Well, that may be true.  But this is essentially how I read a lot of last
month's critiques ("So, you've looking healthy these days Chris, obviously
you're eating well" while you privately hope he doesn't invite you to the
beach for the weekend - only so much whale watching can be done in a
lifetime - or maybe I've just watched too much of the _Sopranos_ lately.)

> I sincerely doubt your friends all tell it to you straight.  I know mine
> don't.  Friends come somewhere in between.  They recognize your
> imperfections, yet at the same time respect your dignity.  I (we) do the
> same for them.

I have more respect for my friends that are most honest with me about me.
They're the ones most likely to call me on b.s. before I plunge my life over
a figurative f**king cliff.  The others will just sit back and watch the
horror of it all, later gossiping to themselves about how stupid I always
was to have ended up there and they knew it would happen all along.

Somehow, this thread reminds me of the story of the Emporer's New Clothes -
people always telling him "Oh, my! You're new suit looks so wonderful!".


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