----- Original Message ----- From: "Steve Pearson"
Subject: Help buying my first studio lighting equipment?

Hi all,

I'm giving some serious thought to purchasing
Adorama's Flashpoint II 620 strobe kit.  They were
written up in this month's Pop Photo magazine.  I'm
thinking of starting with this one-light kit (w/ a
more powerful 300 w/s), as opposed to say a SP Studio
Systems 2-light kit.  My reasoning is I assume it's
better to get a more powerful strobe?  I also have a
Nikon slave flash that I was going to use as a
rear-shadow eliminator for portraits.  This is all
with the istD.

Will this work?  Is it best to fire the strobes with
the PC terminal, or via the slave from a 280 bounced
into a Lumiquest?

This will work.
I am a big fan of one light portraits.
Get a reflector for fill, guaranteed you can't mess up the lighting ratio.
Use an umbrella, the light is nicer than a softbox (my opinion, I find soft boxes to be rather hard, actually).
Fire the flash off the PC termanal, that way you won't risk buggering up your modelling with a flash pop from the camera position.

William Robb

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