>"Wouldn't it make more sense to ban the people who ruin dogs rather
>than the dogs themselves?

Using the car/accident analogy, wouldn't it also make more sense to ban the people 
that drive the cars that get into accidents?

Kenneth Waller

-----Original Message-----
From: William Robb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: PAW: White Pitbull (an hommage to Elliott Erwitt)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Paul Stenquist"
Subject: Re: PAW: White Pitbull (an hommage to Elliott Erwitt)

> Statistics suggest that the proportion of dangerous pit bulls is
> quite high, at least in some parts of the US. That is reason to be
> concerned.

Sure, statistics can be made to say whatever you like.

Perhaps little red sports cars were a bad analogy. lets just pick
cars in general. Statistically, they are very dangerous. They kill
lots of people, and should probably be banned (using yhe logic you
have presented).

In 2003, in the USA alone, some 42,643 people died in traffic
That's 116 per day.
>From 1999 to 2003, the number of traffic deaths is 211506.

<source: http://www.brakesonfatalities.org/ >

And this doesn't even begin to tally up the number of injuries, both
serious or minor that didn't end in a fatality.

And your concerned about a few dogs?

Ban one dog, and the people that have ruined that breed will move on
to another breed, and get that one banned.
So they will move on to another one and get it banned.
And on and on.

Wouldn't it make more sense to ban the people who ruin dogs rather
than the dogs themselves?

I was talking to an AmStaff breeder at our show this spring.
Apparently, the Staffordshire Bull terrier (one of the Pit Bulls
roots) was known in England as a "nanny's dog" because they were so
unaggressive towards people that they were safe to leave with small

The problem with Pit Bulls is that in order to make them aggressive,
they have to be abused to the extreme.

Give me any dog, I don't care what breed, I can give you back a
monster within a month. It's pretty easy to do if you know how (I do)
and have the inclination (I don't).

Allow the knee jerk reaction about certain breeds to continue, and
pretty soon the domestic canine will be extinct.
Make people responsible for their actions instead ( I realize this
doesn't have the political optics of doing something, however
misguided) and everyone can be happy.

William Robb

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