I have been following the list for the past couple of months and have
found it to be both interesting and informative about Pentax, cameras
and lenses, photography in general and other subjects. As my initial
foray into the list I would like to solicit opinions about 80-200 f2.8
AF zooms. Specifically I am wondering if procuring an 80-200 AF lens
is worthwhile for taking pictures of my son's soccer. Currently I have
a Tokina 100-300 f4 ATX (manual focus) and a Tokina 80-200 f2.8 ATX
(manual focus) that I like a lot and both can take very good pictures
with my *istD. However, there are times when my ability to
focus is insufficient because of the quick action involved and I
wondered if an AF model would be significantly better. Since all of my
lenses save one (16-45 DA) are MF I have no good way to judge whether
I would see a significant improvement focusing in the fast pace and
questionable night lighting found at high school soccer games. So what
is the opinion of people that have used both? Is it worth buying an AF
lens to get improved focusing? And if it is, is there any reason not
to get the Tokina 80-200 ATX Pro? Or is the Pentax 80-200 FA*
superior enough to justify the added expense assuming one could be found?

I have searched the archives for this information and haven't yet been
able to answer my questions adequately.


Larry Cook
www.cook-imaging.com <http://www.cook-imaging.com>

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