
My disagreement with the PUG comment process isn't based on the controversy 
over Shel's critique.  Let me summarize again.

1)  PUG is an uncritiqued gallery and as such, draws all kinds of 
contributions.  Some of these may not be our best, but simply topical 
comments on what we are doing with photography or problem since it 
isn't a competitive gallery.  This encourages gallery participation 
regardless of skill level...  A good think since this isn't an exclusive 
professional photography club.

1a)  If you want a serious critique on your photos, there are plenty of other 
galleries available.  Why not take your stuff there.  Do it on the net, do it 
face to face at a local club.  You'll find plenty of folks to critique you.

2)  The PUG critiques are too much like a homework assignment.  The PUG is a 
large collection of pictures.  I struggle every month to take a serious look 
at the photos and make some comments on those I like, public or private 
comments.  Right now, I have 40+ emails critiquing photos to read on this 
month's PUG.  I don't want to read them until I view the pictures and form my 
own opinions.  Why are we creating all this public traffic?  To make sure 
that EACH contributor gets at least ONE critique?  Isn't there a better way 
to do this privately, or as Boz suggested on another list?  (And who says 
these critiques are any good?)

2a)  Do you really think all 90 pictures in the gallery need a public 
critique?  I liked the old method better.  8 or 10 of the best or most 
noteworthy pictures got called to our attention and a critique (albeit a weak 
critique in public).  The remaining pictures may or may not have gotten 
private feedback.  So what's wrong with this?  Can't we learn to give each 
other feedback in private?

Regards,  Bob S.


<< I think it's ludicrous that we would consider dropping the PUG comment
 process because some people were unhappy with one comment. Let's try to
 maintain some perspective. Overall, it's been a great success. Let's continue
 Paul Stenquist >>
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