I have a new ebay story that needs telling because
it is absolutely incredible and needs to be
shared. I still cant believe it but
it is TRUE and may be a good warning to future
ebay buyers out there.

I saw an ebay item which consisted of a mediocre SLR camera and 3
decent lenses ( item doesn't really matter, this could
have been anything ). This had reasonable ( but certainly not great or
bargain or "steal" ) opening bid and buy it now
prices on it but the listing description was not completely clear as to 
on the working condition of the items. I kinda decided I would buy
it but only if the seller assured me everything was
in good working order and no sooner.

So like anyone else, before I did the "Buy it Now" I emailed
the seller and told them I was interested in buying them
but only if the lenses were fully working so I asked for a clarification
of the working condition of the items.

A day later he sends me the anwser saying yes the lenses are fully
working and he is sure I will be happy with them. I was satisfied
with his anwsers so I go to the auction page hoping that no one else had
bid on them or
had bought them and no one had. BUT, I find he had raised the price
TWICE between
the time I asked about them and the time he sent me the answer.
Not only does that seem incredible and unethical to me, the amazing
thing is
he actually still expected me to buy them at a new jacked up price
about 25% more than when I asked for clarification on the

Of course I sent him a F.U. letter in return and didn't
really mind not getting them at the original price because
it wasn't really a super deal or anything. But I still cant believe
someone would think of and actually do something like that.
And then to think I would still buy them from him after he raised
the price twice before answering my email is absolutely inconceivable to

To me he is the greatest A-hole seller of all time. And I have
been doing ebay regularly since 1996. Its not so much that he
raised the prices twice between the time I said I would buy
if working OK, it's the fact that he honestly believed I would
still buy them at the newer much higher prices he changed to
after I asked for the condtion clarification!

Comments Please! Has anyone ever heard or seen or experienced
anything like that? Ever? Online or offline? That is just truly 
mindblowing to me.....


   J.C. O'Connell   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://jcoconnell.com 

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