Steve Jolly mused:
> William Robb wrote:
> > Imagine you have 50 identical pennies on a table top.
> > An uncompressed file describes each penny in detail.
> > A JPEG describes one penny in detail, and then tells you where the other 
> > 49 are located on the table.
> Again, I'm sorry, but JPEG doesn't work like that either.  Fractal 
> compression algorithms are conceptually similar to the method you 
> describe, but there aren't any popular implementations of those.

The analogy has got garbled in the retelling - the original had none
of the (incorrect) descriptions of any underlying algorithm.

It's a nice conceptual idea - enough information to see it's a layout
made up of pennies, but not enough to see the blemishes on the real
coins - and one that even a non-technical person can understand. And
at that level, it's even pretty close to being technically correct!

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