Actually your explanation did make sense.
Though I didn't grasp nearly all of it
it helped to learn that they are processed
in "blocks".
Helps me understand the behavior of both
highly compressed and "multiple generation"
jpeg files.
Don't feel your efforts were totally wasted,
I at least have a clue now.
Which I didn't before.
I knew HOW jpegs behaved, now I have at
least a rough idea WHY they behave that


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steve Jolly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, November 14, 2004 6:03 AM
> Subject: Re: JPEG Compression Made Slightly-Less-Complicated (was Re:
> Reducing File Size with Photoshop)
> William Robb wrote:
> > I read it while sober.
> > Didn't make much sense.
> > I just read it while inebriated.
> > Didn't make any sense.
> > Can't I just think of it as a roll of pennies on a table top and get on
> > with life?
> :-)
> > Seriously though, thanks for the effort, sorry it was lost on my feeble
> > brain.
> I got about half-way through and then realised "hang on - they only
> teach this maths at university".  I had a stab at explaining it without
> any formal maths, but I suspect that the task may be beyond me...  I
> guess there's a reason I didn't go into any of the Science Communication
> fields...
> Still, thanks for reading it. :-)
> S

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