You shouldn't have to create a presentation to put pictures in a folder. If your images are PhotoShop jpegs, you will have to do a "save for web" to strip the exif data and make them PhotoNet compatible. I have no idea why your browser would limit you in PhotoShop. I use both Safari and Explorer with no problems. I've even used an old version of Netscape Communicator.
On Nov 13, 2004, at 5:22 PM, Ann Sanfedele wrote:

You guys are a better resource than the site...

I suppose the answer is I have to upgrade my
browser -
I can up load single photos into the single photo
folder but
after creating a flora folder I don't seem to be
able to load anything into it.

THe single photo stuff I put up is a bit too
eclecticily presented -

Ok now i Have netscape 4.6 - viewing the folder in
it is not so pretty.
with Explorer 5.0 which photo-net says it
supports, it looks better
but when I click on "details" nothing happens or

If i go into the folder calledn Flora - nothing is
there - I thought I was just
creating a virtual "directory" which would be a
place I could upload pictures
in that category. BUt I cant make that work.

Ok, one more idea I had... do Ineed to enable Java
Console in Explorer?

Do I need to "create a presentation" and then put
all the stuff there into
the flora folder?

annsan the techno idiot

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