Dave, how did you get this to the web,
did you scan the neg or the print?


> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Sunday, November 14, 2004 3:20 AM
> Subject: Paw Another shot of Copper in B&W
> Got busy Friday night and developed a few rolls of Tmax 100 from 
> Sept and October. Some
> swamps 
> and Split rail fences on roll two,but i like this one of Copper. 
> Very over cast day,in the
> hills of 
> Madawaska Ontario,K1000 with 35-80 4.5/5.6 zoom,developed in Tmax 
> developer. I went over
> the time 
> by 35 sec cause i was not paying attention to the stop 
> watch.<g>(It was Friday night after
> all.LOL)
> Hope you enjoy and comments welcome.          
>               http://www.caughtinmotion.com/paw/copper2.jpg   
> Dave  

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