I like the concept.  It seems there are two things that detract for
me.  One is that the peeled bark near the top and out into the green
is soft and my eye is drawn to it.  That needs to be sharply in focus.
The other is that the main trunk is quite flat in lighting.  Maybe a
reflector to punch it up just a bit.

The idea is nice and seems worth pursuing.


Sunday, November 14, 2004, 12:33:57 AM, you wrote:

DN> I've taken quite a few shots of this subject, and this photo has been
DN> sitting in photoshop for a day and a half while I've debated whether or
DN> not to post it, but now I've looked at it too many times and have no
DN> idea of its merits. It's just annoying to me that I can't make a 
DN> stunning image from something that to me is really cool in real life...
DN> My feeling is that it's sort of mundane, but I'd be appreciative of any
DN> comments, to the contrary or corroboratory.

DN> http://davidavid.whatsbeef.net/trunk.jpg

DN> If anyone likes it I may post some other photos on this sort of theme.
DN> If no-one likes it I'll try harder (-:

DN> Cheers,
DN> David

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