"Don Sanderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I put a cheap Vivitar 28/2.8 MF M type lens on the D this
>morning to see what the results would be.
>Though it's certainly not a sharp lens the results weren't
>as bad as I expected.
>Here's the wierd part:
>1.) No matter what I focused on, the lighting, or how carefully
>I steadied the camera I NEVER GOT an "in focus" indicator
>on the D!
>2.) The D's shutter WOULD FIRE no matter how in/out of
>focus the subject was OR where the focus mode switch
>on the D was set!

Sounds as if this lens has an anodized surface on its mount or something
else is preventing any of the electrical contacts on the camera from
detecting the presence of the lens.

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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