
  The lens mount doesn't ground the AF pin on the body mount (the
  closest from the AF shaft).
  Servus,  Alin

Don wrote:
DS> I put a cheap Vivitar 28/2.8 MF M type lens on the D this
DS> morning to see what the results would be.
DS> Though it's certainly not a sharp lens the results weren't
DS> as bad as I expected.
DS> Here's the wierd part:

DS> 1.) No matter what I focused on, the lighting, or how carefully
DS> I steadied the camera I NEVER GOT an "in focus" indicator
DS> on the D!

DS> 2.) The D's shutter WOULD FIRE no matter how in/out of
DS> focus the subject was OR where the focus mode switch
DS> on the D was set!

DS> Though this lens is certainly not a "keeper", it apperars
DS> normal as far as being a standard KM mount and seems
DS> to be sharp/contrasty enough to activate the in focus light.
DS> My usual experience with WA lenses on the D is that they
DS> will indicate in focus even when they're not.
DS> And the part about the shutter firing even when out of
DS> focus in AF-S or AF-C mode is really strange.
DS> I've tried matrix, spot and selective focus point,
DS> doesn't matter!
DS> Anyone else ever seen this?
DS> Only lens I've tried that behaves this way.

DS> Here's a sample from the 28:

DS> Don

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