Title: New Pentax Owner

Hello list!

This will be my first posting to the group. I am also new to Pentax. Just on Thursday I received my new Pentax MZ-7 with 35-80mm FA Lens. I've already gone through 3 rolls of 36 exposures. I am very happy with it.

My experimenting with the camera and its various features has lead me to timed exposures. I've been trying to practice on a waterfall near my work place but I can't figure it out. Is anyone familiar with the camera? I am not using a remote to minimize camera movement for the timed exposure as recommended since I've yet to purchase one (this is next on the list - along with a tri-pod).

The manual explains how to do it. It said to put the camera in manual mode and press the button for as long as you want the exposure for. But, I am obviously missing something since this is not working.

I'm also thinking of purchasing a larger lens. I am thinking either maxing at 200 or 400mm. Not sure. I'd like to shoot sports events (baseball, hockey, soccer) and I am not usually near the action. I'm thinking I should go for the 400mm lens. All I now is that I am getting a fish eye lens. I love those effects/shots.

                           C. Daniel Suarez
Wishbone Systems, Inc.
619 Palisade Avenue
Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632
201.541.7000 Ext. 456

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