Last Thursday, 11 November, I had my *ist-D stolen in Cancun Mexico. I stupidly left it sitting on a bench in an upscale shopping mall; when I hurried back three minutes later, it was gone. Taken by 3 American (?) tourists according to witnesses. It was wearing a black 31mm LTD and a 1 gbyte Sandisk Ultra. If you spot the camera or lens on eBay or other sale site, please let me know.

I just got back from the trip and have not yet been able to find the receipts or other record of the serial numbers. My mail files only go back about 9 months, and I bought the *ist-D about a year ago, the 31mm lens about 18 months ago. If any of you happen to have saved any mail I might have sent commenting on the serial numbers for lens or camera, I would appreciate hearing about it.

I am only here for a few days, leave for Bulgaria for a week next Monday. I'll pick up a new *ist-D from my local shop tomorrow. My insurance guy said that the loss would probably be covered, minus the $500 deductable of course.

Good news is that I had damaged the camera the day before - I took a fall while climbing in the ruins at Tulum. Camera in my hand, as I landed the camera hit hard on a flat sand-covered rock. No visible damage, but the camera would no longer fire with the AF-S setting - it was as though it was not getting focus confirmation. Bad news is that I never downloaded the Tulum shots before the camera was taken the next day. I was shooting RAW - I take some glee in thinking of the thief trying to figure how to get autofocus to work, and how to view the RAW pictures.

The other silver lining in the cloud: I had had my 77mm on the camera that morning, but I had then swapped the 77mm for the 31mm in part to verify that the AF problem was the camera and not the lens. Even though the 31mm cost quite a bit more, I have used the 77mm far more than the 31 (or the 43).

Other than that, the Cancun trip was great, I strongly recommend it as a place to decompress.


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