On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 19:30:03 -0500, Doug Franklin wrote:

> On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 08:45:18 +0100, Sam Jost wrote:
> > From: "Doug Franklin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >> Makes one wonder how the FA* 300/4.5 compares to the FA* 300/2.8.
> > used they change owner for less then 2000 Euros. Thats still a lot, but 
> > affordable if I'd really want to.
> Well, that's at least half of my annual racing budget.  The f/4.5 is
> just fine for the amateur shooting I do when compared to have a season
> on track. :-)  Now, if I was making money on the photos, that'd be
> different.

Oops.  That's _half_ a season on track.


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