Interesting chart. The differences are probably imperceptible in most cases, although the 1.4 A clearly outperformed the 1.4 M. I would like to see how the 1.4 K and FA would do. Of course, this is just resolution and doesn't include other factors.

On Nov 25, 2004, at 7:27 AM, Fred wrote:

Which of the many 50mm lenses, made by Pentax, is considered to
be the best in terms of image quality?

Oh boy - you're not going to get agreement here on this one - <g>.

For the record, my choice is the A 50/1.4.

Why?  What are the characteristics of that lens that makes you
feel it's got the best image quality?

Good point. The fact that each of us values different characteristics differently contributes to what I believe would be a lack of consensus.

For me, I'd say that sharpness comes first, followed by either
contrast or bokeh (which is second and which is third will depend
upon the particular application at the time).

The A 50/1.4 is quite sharp (a smidge better than its M predecessor)
('s/resolutn.htm ) and has good
contrast (also better than the M by just a smidge).  And, the bokeh
is good (although I think that this is not unusual for a Pentax 50).

[The above is based on image quality alone.  Other factors (for me)
that are not image-related but which are important include build
quality, focus feel, and the presence of Ka contacts.  I do have to
admit that the A 50/1.4 does not feel quite as nice in use as do the
M, the K, or the m42 models of the design that I have used.]


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