Paul Stenquist wrote:

> And all through the house, my wife and daughters were dragging up boxes
> from the basement and working furiously to decorate the Christmas tree.
> That's somewhat of a tradition around here. My part of the job was to
> go out and buy a tree this morning. I opted for a long needle Scotch
> Pine this year. We haven't had one of those in many years. Different is
> fun. Anyway, I shot it with the DA 16-45. I dialed in about plus 1.5
> exposure compensation at f11, and positioned the camera on a cabinet.
> The exposure was around half a second I think. In any case, here it is.

That looks so cozy!  I'll jsut print it out and hang it up for my tree :)

Since my birthday is Dec 10  my mother worked hard at making sure I didn't
get cheated
so the tree went up then, and slowly over two weeks presents would appear
under the
tree so I could shake them and such.  LIkewise, mine for her and my father
and other kind
would get placed there also.  But usually the KEY present was hidden away
til Christmas eve.
I'm pretty sure Santa Clause was always thought of as a figure of speech at


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