Quoting Mishka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> my "A 1.7" is my most used lens. most favorite to.
> i have no idea why people complain about its build quality --
> i find it quite good and smooth.
> and sharp too.
> and because it's quite a bit lighter, i use it more than 1.4, together
> with
> MX (not optio -- the real one)

I had one of those -- A 50/1.7 -- its aperture ring was stuck when I got it, 
and after repair it worked OK for a while and then started to get stiff again 
and difficult.
Having, by that time, the F 50/1.7 (I know I said in another message I wasn't 
sure if it was F or FA, well now that I've looked on Boz's site I've id'd it 
as an F) for use with the PZ-1, when I bought my LX I also bought an M 50/1.4 
and got rid of that problem-child A lens quick. 
So if you ever heard *me* complain of the build quality, that would be why.
However, as César and I recently discussed in yet another thread, one's 
mileage may vary quite a bit with gear.


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