number of images is what matters to the database. the entry level stuff like
you see in computer stores will handle the quantity, but most are pushing
it. you ought to look at the specialist programs designed for pro
photographers. i think you will find that defining keywords is an inadequate
way of filing your images. there is an implied taxonomy of subjects and
topics in any system that i have heard any working photographer describe.
sunsets at Valley Fire. sunset is a time of day. Valley of Fire State Park
is a state park and in nevada which is in the western US which is in the US.
Extensis Portfolio has mind share. it doesn't support hierarchical
categories. IMatch does, but it has some stupidities that i don't like, one
of which is that anything you do pops up helpful tips all the time until you
turn off each message one by one. the global switch doesn't affect anything
i could see. another is that they make you enter three different
authentications of your ID to download patches from their web site.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Larry Hodgson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, November 28, 2004 7:10 PM
Subject: Re: database software

> I now have about 200 GB worth of images and at the rate I'm going this
> soon be into the TB range. I'm guessing 10,000 images at present.
> I would like to define each image with many key words such as Gray,
> Family, Keeper, Printable, etc. Then search on key words.

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