
C> Gear down, full flaps, nose into the wind....

C> http://www.skofteland.net/displayimage.php?album=1&pos=7

C> yes, it's another stupid bird.....

C> Pentax *ist D, 300mm Sigma APO, 2x Sigma EX TC, hand held ISO 200 f5.6
C> 1/800.  Full frame just resized and "save for web"

C> comments welcomed and appreciated.

300x2x1.5 = 900 mm of focal length. So you can handhold this... Do
tell me how. I cannot handhold F 70-210 at 210 mm and 1/250 sec - the
shake is evident... I know, I know - I haven't been drinking coffee
ever since that post. And I drink just few cups of tea every day.

But seriously, your technique is amazing. So is this picture.


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