Bob W wrote:

Wednesday, December 1, 2004, 1:38:13 AM, Juan wrote:

So, to celebrate that my greencard was granted,


I'm going to spend one week in London, from 25/12 to 1/1.

So, besides street shooting in Oxford Street and the usual tourist
things to do, any people there have suggestions on what to do that

Oxford Street is always horrendously busy at this time of year, with
police on the street corners using megaphones to control the crowds.
Immediately after Christmas the January sales begin, so there is no
lull. It is horrible.

See if you can get a copy of Time Out (
before you get here - I guess they have it at Borders in San
Franscisco, and at the airport. It will help you to plan.

For candid photography of people going about their lawful business (see
how I avoided the word 'street'!) you might also try King's Road,
Camden Lock, Portobello and Notting Hill, parts of the City such as
Leadenhall Market, Borough Market, Brick Lane and Whitechapel at the
weekend. There's a lot, as I'm sure you can imagine. I'll try to think
of more.

I can vouch for Portobello and Notting Hill. We once stayed in a flat nearby for a fortnight, down the Kensington High Street hill and I must can see more mutilated and decorated teens and 20's on the streets surrounding those 2 areas recommended above.
I'd say snap away. NObody would dress up so hideously unless they wanted the attention!

A quick and enjoyable way to get an overview of London is to get on a
sightseeing bus, including a riverboat trip. Once you'be bought your
ticket you can hop and off all day. Don't try to hop off the boat
though unless its berthed.

Excellent ideas!

It would also be nice to catch up with London PDMLers for a beer or three...

I can probably make it on the 27th or 28th, which are public holidays
(called Bank Holidays).

I hope it's half as memorable as one of our trips was!
On the other hand, trying to hail a taxi around Trafalgar Square, after midnight, the night of the 31st, on windy and misty, thoroughly WET London streets, is NOT recommended!
We nearly walked back to our flat, as no taxi would stop for us...
Our 16 year old daughter kept saying, "I'm dying, Dad! No, really! I am."
The wet street sucked all your bodily warmth out of you. Especially if you're wearing fashionable shoes, instead of Ugghs, or similar! <big grin>

But, DO have a great time!

keith whaley

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