> Pentax A 16/2.8 usually goes for similar $: 
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=4688&it
> em=3855394220&rd=1
> mine was from KEH LN-, for something pretty close to that too 
> (a while ago).

Looks like it's in great condition, too.
> I hope you enjoy the really wide angle -- I know I do, and 
> the "distortion" very rarely bothers me.

Oh, I love the distortion, and I've been wanting a fisheye for a while. The
photos I saw on Pbase last night showed me the creative potential of using a
fisheye beyond just showing off the fisheye effect. Plus, I can always
de-fish the shots. :)

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