Well, there y'go.  I knew I could count on you for a way to measure the
differences.  I never thought of doing that.  

Rest assured, I won't be spending much time pondering the issue ... ;-))


> [Original Message]
> From: Rob Studdert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > Hmmm .... I'm not sure if that's quite correct, but I'll defer to your
> > greater technical knowledge.  However, look at how the green bushes are
> > rendered in the various conversions.  In the LAB conversion they are
> > very dark to the point where shadow deatil is gone in some areas.  That
> > seems like more than a 4% difference.
> I don't know why this is but the differences are pretty easy to measure
if you 
> want to look at relative levels. If you open the two images to be
measured in 
> PS you can use the Eyedropper Tool to report the level of any colour in
> Info Palette, just look at the K factor.
> WRT to the differences between conversions I'm not sure if there are
> differences in the processes or if it's related to colour space, gamma
> conversion options in the colour settings. Something to ponder but not
too much 
> :-)

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