The MX is nice, but I've recently become enchanted with the K body cameras.
A number of people have donated K-1000's and a couple of KM's to the 6th
Street Workshop, so I had a chance to try a few.  They were new experiences
for me having gone directly from the Spotmatic series to the M's and LX.  I
recently got a KM and am now looking for a KX and a K2, preferably in black.

Those cameras have a nice heft and feel to them (a friend just got a black
K2 ... sweet!), and are such a nice match for my favorite K lenses.

Every Pentax user owes it to him or herself to try at least some of the
classic Pentax manual bodies

Boy, we've really changed the metering mode in this thread <LOL>


> Cotty a écrit :
> > Actually Shel there is an 'automatic' mode with the MX that you already
> > know about:
> > 
> > if you pick up an MX, you automatically want to go and shoot with it...

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