On 3/12/04, Shel Belinkoff, discombobulated, unleashed:

>I just snagged a project that requires the use if a fast wide lens.  I've
>an 18/3,5 but something faster would be more better.  The A20/2.8 has
>always been of interest, and I can borrow one of those if that's what it
>comes down to, but is there something faster for the Pentax that may even
>be a bit wider than 20mm (a 15/1.4 would be VERY cool, especially if it
>took a 52,mm filter <LOL>).  So, what's out there, especially in a manual
>focus lens, or one that affords a good manual focus feel.

Oh yeah, if you don't visiting the Dark Side, there is this:




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